Now it’s time for start using all the components and play with it. I hope you had fun with this review and has been motivated to start learning arduino. Thanks for Elegoo for sending me this kit for review. The cd content can also be downloaded from here. You can find all Elegoo product in this link. This are all the components that come on the Super Starter Kit from Elegoo. With volume up and volume down we can control the stepper motor.
After connecting all and uploading the code we can see the example running. Like the last one we have the components, the schematic, the wire diagram and a picture of it. On another example we have a stepper motor controlled with the remote. After making the connections and uploading the code we can see this example running. We have all the components needed, the components details, the schematic, the wire diagram, and an example. One example is the Four Digit Seven Segments Display. For any problem Elegoo also provide the e-mail for service contacts. In this lessons we can test all the components in the package, We have sample code for all of them and also the explanation how the code and the component works.įollowing this lessons we can master all the components included on the package.
On the cd we have all the components datasheets, in multiple languages all the sample code, all the library needed, two pdf telling how to install the arduino drivers on Windows and Linux and a pdf with all the components and multiple lessons. We also have some jumper cables, male-male and male-female cables, a SG90 Micro servo, 2 axis joystick with a digital button and a lcd with all the pins needed to connect to the arduino. We also have a 3 to 6 v motor and a soft fan blade to assembler. This feature is very handy when you have to place a shield on the top. Younger kids should be under supervision and guidance of adults. This Kit is suitable for 10-year-old and up.
It has convenient pin labels on the side. For this Elegoo Super Starter Kit, we provide a 10-lesson tutorial, introducing the basic setting of the Arduino software IDE, the working principles of the sensors and the simple program to enable the UNO board to control the sensors. The Elegoo arduino Uno R3 has a nice finish black mate and can be powered from USB or from the 9v adapter supplied.

a relay that can be controlled from 5 v and can handle 10A at 30V DC or 250v AC.We specialize in the research, development, and production of open-source technology. a DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor Elegoo DIY electronics, Smart car kit, Robotic and 3D printer.a LCD with two lines and sixteen characters per line.a joystick with all the parts a stepper motor.There is a link to download the sketches, but Google says I have to wait 24 hours and try again to download 'Elegoo Super Starter Kit for UNO V.8.27.zip'. a power supply module for the breadboard Elegoo Super Starter Kit : ELEGOO UNO R3 Super Starter Kit with Tutorial Compatible with Arduino IDE ELEGOO Official.a shield for the Uno, with a protoboard that can be assembled.